Process Server Guide: Things You Need to Know before You Hire One

Process Server Guide: Things You Need to Know before You Hire One

You have many options for completing the service of process that’s required to start your legal action. You can complete the service yourself through methods such as registered mail in some cases, though it’s not recommended, or you can hire one of many professionals who offer the service.

Instead of doing a quick Google search and hiring the first process server you find, you need to do some research. Your case is too important to trust with just anyone, and any mistake in the process of service can throw a wrench in your proceedings. Here are a few things you need to do before you hire a process server:

A Man's Hand Signing A Paper

Check Our Reviews

You can learn a lot about any professional by hearing what former clients have to say. You should spend some time reading reviews for any process server before you make a decision about who to hire.

You’ll quickly learn whether the server has a reputation for getting results, providing friendly service, and having fair terms.

People like to tell everyone about it when they’ve had a bad experience, so you’ll know quickly if a server you are considering hiring is a bad idea. Check all the major sites, as well as professional business organizations like the Better Business Bureau.

Verify Credentials

Many people calling themselves process servers are actually unqualified amateurs who will engage in unethical and even illegal practices to complete the process of service. Hiring one of these people could put your case in jeopardy and even make you vulnerable to legal action of your own. But you may not realize you are hiring one of these people if you don’t do your research first.

Make sure you verify the credentials of any process server before you make the hire. You should check on their licensing and any certifications that they advertise.

Check the Services Offered

Obviously, a professional process server will offer process of service, and that is the service that you need. However, you may need additional services, depending on the complexity of your case.

You may need a process server who can work outside the jurisdiction you are in, who can track down missing people or people who are trying not to be found, or who can deal with complex cases.

Never assume that any process server you hire can offer the services you need. Always check what services are offered before you start down the road of hiring someone.

Verify the Cost

Hiring a process server is money well spent, but that doesn’t meant that you have an unlimited budget. Make sure you ask about the cost of service before you decide on your hire. Make sure you know not just the basic cost of service but also any fees and extras you may need to pay. For example, there may be extra costs if the server has to do research to find someone, if multiple attempts have to be made, or if the case takes longer than expected. Read the fine print so you know what to expect.

When you do the proper research before you hire your process server, you can ensure that you get the right professional on your side so that your legal proceedings get started the right way. You will get fast and accurate service so that there are no delays to your case.

Always find out what others have to say about their experience with the server and check credentials, then verify costs and services. You’ll be well positioned to make the right decision for your legal needs.

In Arizona, ASAP Serve is the process server you can trust. We have a well-established reputation for our professional and reliable service. Our servers are all certified, and they use only legal and ethical methods for completing your service. They are friendly and knowledgeable, and they will help you understand all the legal issues related to the service for your case. They can track down those who are hard to find, and they can handle complex cases. Just fill out the form on our site or contact us directly to start discussing your service needs and get your case moving.


Published By – ASAP Serve, LLC

1837 S Mesa Dr C102
Mesa, AZ 85210
Office: 480-821-1552

2820 S Alma School Rd, #18
Chandler, AZ 85286
Office: 480-351-1743

14245 S 48th St #148
Phoenix, AZ 85044
Office: 480-845-0728

2509 N Campbell Ave #236
Tucson, AZ 85719
Office: (520) 448-4929


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